My First Food Blog

Hello Friends😃
Hope all is well at your side. Before I give you an introduction on my food blog, I want you all to know on how and why I decided to write a food blog. You know what?? I am still thinking how to start, what to write😄...excited, nervous, happiness, liberated and soul full of peace. I was an Assistant Professor for 6 years in Bombay before I relocated to Kerala after my marriage last year and now happily married and a satisfied housewife. Believe me, I may sound crazy but being an housewife feels so complete and blissful....and it feels great to have a caring husband and a supportive family by your side every time. So now, when I have time for myself and also I am a 'Real Foodie', why not utilise some time for what I like, write about it, share it to my friends, stay connected to them and also get their views on the same.
According to me, food is the only ingredient that binds people together and create lots of memories. For me food is like love at first bite😍. I love to hangout with my partner in crime (my hubby😁) and with my friends to various cafes and restaurants and experience the taste of various kinds of foods, cuisines and also because being a foodie is like a 'Stress Buster' for me. So when in stress I love to hog on to my favourite cuisines. The only thing I like better than talking about food is eating and so that's me about being a foodie.
Apart from a foodie, everyone in my family and my friends tell me that I am a good cook......And YES to an extent I agree with them, though I am still in the learning process and incorporate many improvisations in my cooking. As you all will agree with me no one is 100% perfect in what they do but will learn many new things, improve our imperfections in the process of being perfect in their respective field. It is truly said that the kitchen is the heart of the home and I completely agree to that. According to me, a recipe has no soul but you, as a cook can bring soul to the recipe. My secret ingredient for cooking has always been 'LOVE', as it provides food for the soul. Cooking is my passion and thus, I cook it with all my heart and soul. A quote by Julia Child which I completely agree with,"No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing it."
Thus, being both a foodie and a cook myself I thought of writing this blog where I will be posting my easy to cook recipes  and also about reviews on various food and cuisines which I taste whenever I am travelling or hanging out with my people. 
Readers, viewers and my dear friends you are all welcome to post your comments and views on my food blog.
Until we see next, live your life with a little spice.😃


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