Red Detoxer - A Healthy Cleansing Drink in 3 easy steps

Hello Friends😊
Hope everything is fine at your side😃. A diet high in antioxidants reduces the risk of  heart diseases, certain cancers, eye problems, skin diseases, memory issues, immune system problems and mood disorders. There are many fruits and vegetables which are high in antioxidants, filled with vitamins and are beneficial in diverse ways which include, cranberries, peaches, strawberries, figs, cherries, pears, guava, watermelon, papaya, tomatoes, cabbage, beetroot, radish, pumpkin, potatoes, spinach, broccoli, carrots and sweet potatoes. Additionally, Green Tea is also an anti-viral agent which is full of antioxidants. 
'Remember when your body is hungry, it wants nutrients and not calories.' With this thought, I am posting a recipe for Red Detoxer - A Healthy Cleansing Drink😋 in 3 easy steps which is rich in antioxidants, vitamin - C, vitamin- E, vitamin- K and potassium.
TOTAL TIME  : 15 mins
PREP TIME   :  5 mins
COOK TIME  :  10 mins
SERVINGS    :  2 - 3 servings
Medium sized Pomegranate   -  3 nos
Medium sized orange    -  3 nos
Small sized tomato     - 1 
Ginger    - 1 small piece
Lemon    - 1/2
Pepper powder  - a pinch
Salt  - a pinch to taste
Water   - 1 glass
Roughly chop tomato, ginger, peel off the oranges, remove the pomegranate seeds and keep it aside.
Next step is to add the roughly chopped tomato, ginger, peeled oranges, pomegranate seeds, squeezed lemon juice, a pinch of salt and freshly grounded pepper powder along with a glass of water into the mixer or blender and blend into a fine watery mixture.
Lastly, once the mixture is blended in a watery consistency, strain the mixture through a sieve or  a strainer for a smooth appetizing flavour of the drink. Plate the drink with some ice cubes and pomegranate seeds in a glass and savour it. (Please note that the drink should be consumed immediately after preparing it, because the limonin content in orange is formed in few hours after the juice has been squeezed which can give a slight bitter taste.)
Hope you revel in this savouring Red Detoxer - A Healthy Cleansing Drink in 3 easy steps and do give me a feedback through the comment section after you try and taste it with your loved ones, family and friends.
Until we see next, live your life and be adventurous..!!😃


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