Toasted Masala Bread - A Delectable Snack

Hello Friends😊
Hope your day was relaxing😃. 'Home'🏡 is a place where your feet may leave but your heart always stays and also where you treat your family like friends and friends like family. I believe, time spent with family is worth every second and they also are your biggest support system. At times, we don't realise we are making memories, we just knew we were loving, arguing, fighting, forgiving, truthful, being patient, making mistakes, never giving up and having lots and lots of fun. Hope you all are creating beautiful memories with your family🥰. With this thought, today I am posting a recipe for a delectable snack - Toasted Masala Bread, giving a 'yummy-licious' time to your family.
TOTAL TIME  : 40 mins
PREP TIME   :  10 mins

COOK TIME :   30 mins
SERVINGS    :  4 - 5  servings
Bread    -   8 slices
Small- sized carrot   -  1
Small- sized onion    -  2
Small- sized tomato  -  2
Capsicum   -   1/2
Small- sized potato   -   1
Coriander Leaves   -   4 tbsp
Lemon   -  1/2
Green chilly - Ginger - Garlic Paste   -  2 tbsp
Cumin Seeds (Jeera)   -   1 tsp
Turmeric Powder   -   1/2 tsp
Red Chilly Powder   -  1 tsp
Garam Masala   -   2 tsp
Hing / Asafoetida   - 1/ 2 tsp
Salt   - to taste
Ghee  -   3 - 4 tbsp 
Water   -   2 glasses
Firstly for the preparation of masala, finely chop the onion, tomatoes, capsicum, coriander leaves and thinly grate potato & carrot and keep it aside.

In a medium bottom non-stick pan, add 2 tbsp of ghee, once hot add cumin seeds (jeera), asafoetida (hing)  and mix till the cumin seeds (jeera) turns brown in colour. Once it turns brown, add green chilly - ginger -  garlic paste and cook till the raw smell of the paste goes off.

Next, add all the chopped and grated vegetables except coriander leaves from step - 1 and stir fry it for 2 - 3 minutes. Once stir fried, add turmeric powder, red chilly powder, garam masala, salt to taste along with 2 glasses of water. Mix well, cover with a lid and let it cook for 5 to 8 minutes till the vegetables get cooked to perfection. (Please note that the consistency of the gravy of masala should be little watery. So don't evaporate the water from the masala completely, we will need the gravy while toasting the bread.)

Once the vegetables are cooked, add the chopped coriander leaves, squeezed lemon juice, mix well and keep it aside. The masala for the toasted masala  bread is ready.

Next step is to toast the bread. Take medium - sized non- stick pan, add ghee, a small portion of the gravy from the masala into the pan and toast the bread on both sides. (Please note that, the bread should be properly  toasted with enough amount of ghee and gravy on both the sides equally.)
Lastly, take one slice of toasted bread, apply the masala over it equally and place another slice of toasted bread over it and press it gently so that it sets properly and smoothly with a knife cut it into four small pieces. Plate it with some coriander leaves on the top and enjoy it with sweet and tangy tomato sauce.
Hope you all enjoy this delectable snack - Toasted Masala Bread and do give me a feedback through the comment section after you try and taste it with your loved ones, family and friends
Until we see next, have a great time with your family after all, ' Families are like fudge mostly sweet with lots of nuts.'😄


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